November 15, 2010

Is There An End In Sight?

This year I have decided to knit most of my x'mas gifts.  Not only does it add a personal touch, but I thought it would be fun!  So the other day I decided to write out my knitting schedule for all the x'mas gifts + x'mas gift pre-orders I have to knit.  Oh my goodness, I'm going to be knitting every day until mid December!  It's all good!  

I've managed to finish one gift - the shawl.  Knitting my first shawl with lace yarn was eventful!  As I was getting close to finishing the shawl I noticed a mistake 20 rows down.  And I noticed this mistake at 11:00pm on a week day.  I knew I would bug me the whole night and prevent me from sleeping, so I had to perform emergency surgery on it right away.  Instead of taking it apart (which would have been a disaster because it is a lace pattern!) I took out the one stitch row-by-row all the way down until I got to the mistake.  I finally finished it last Saturday - took me a week and 2 days!  I borrowed blocking rods from Ed so I could stretch and block it properly.  Weaving in the blocking rods was almost as frustrating as fixing that mistake! LoL

I contemplated showing photos of my complete work because they are x'mas gifts (although I'm not sure if the recipients of the gifts read my blog...), but I figure.. they don't know which gift they're getting!  So here are some pics of the finished product.  The first picture is the shawl being blocked, the second one is just a close up of the shawl detail :)
My current project - a scarf w/ a hood!  I'm almost done!  It's taking me a bit longer because I'm making up the pattern as I go.  I love those kind of projects!

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