Now I have never knit a sweater before, and after looking at a few patterns online, I couldn't find a pattern that fit my vision for a dog sweater. I wanted something that would buton along the back because I am all to familiar on how hard it can be do get a dog to wear something! I thought it would be easier to put on if the buttons were on the back.
I took some measurements of Spyro and based on the yarn gauge I calculated how many stitches I needed, how many rows to knit and where to place the leg holes. I started knitting at the collar, then increase stitches every few rows (evenly) until I had enough stitches to fit around the body. At first I thought I would knit the item as two pieces, then stitch them together, but as I was knitting I realized I could knit it as one piece. I even added button holes along the side.
And here is the finished knitting result (minus the buttons)
Side profile of the sweater.
Here's Spryo with his new sweater :)
The only problem is that the sweater might be a tad bit too small for Spryo because of al his hair! So the seam on the back looks like he's about to burst out of the sweater. LoL hopefully after washing and blocking it the sweater will fit better!