August 29, 2010

So I Have An Idea....

I found this really fun pattern for baby booties two weeks ago on (they're adorable!), but I didn't get around to trying the pattern until last Friday morning. And when I say Friday morning, I mean 1am in the morning! I spent the week wining a dining a customer for work, and during dinner I had tea, which was a huge mistake. I couldn't sleep until 5am! So while tossing and turning, I started to toy around with the idea of selling my knitted goods online. I figure, why not make some money off of my hobby? It will help fund my knitting obsession :) And it got me thinking about that baby bootie pattern.

So I trudged downstairs and started to knit. I decided to modify the pattern a bit, so instead of two straps held together by buttons, I made it so it had one connected strap across.

They were pretty fun and easy to knit! It's definitely a lot easier than the other booties I've been knitting. Plus they take less time to knit!

Since I had this idea of selling the booties, I thought it would be good to get a few more colours. I headed over to Mary's Yarns (I'm becoming a regular! haha) and bought a few more fun colours.

Then the knitting madness began. I've made 4 pairs o far, and I've been working on figuring out how to set up a shop in Etsy. We'll see how this works out :)

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